Earl W.

Talk directly with us, the owners. We are not a management company working for the owners and getting a commission. You literally save $$$$ ...

Talk directly with us, the owners. We are not a management company working for the owners and getting a commission. You literally save $$$$ when renting directly from us. Whether it be for a 2 night stay or a 2 month stay, we want you to enjoy our condo, all its amenities and the "Old Florida" lifestyle that Cedar Key and its surrounding areas have to offer.

Did you know that Cedar Key is the #1 producer of farm raised clams in the U.S.?

So... Kick Back, Relax and Have a CLAM GOOD TIME!!

Step back in time to a place with no traffic lights; no fast food; no big box stores or malls.

Park your vehicle after your trip to Ceday Key and forget about it until you go home. Everything in this "Old Florida" style fishing village is within walking, bicycling or a golf cart ride away. That's right--Golf Carts almost outnumber the amount of cars riding around the Island.

On the Island, enjoy the 2 Museums; City Park, Playground and Beach; Shopping; Gulf Front Dining and Fishing off t

Listed on Tripadvisor since
August 2011
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