
Reviews (222)

We are a booking agency specializing in short-term city apartment rentals, mostly in Spain. Our main holiday destinations are Seville, Grana...

We are a booking agency specializing in short-term city apartment rentals, mostly in Spain. Our main holiday destinations are Seville, Granada, Malaga and Barcelona. Each of our apartments are carefully selected to provide you the perfect holiday stay.

We have wide-angle PHOTOS, VIDEOS and a FLOORPLAN to show the apartments as they really are. We also encourage all our guests to write reviews, so you get an independent opinion. Our agency was rated "excellent" by FlipKey and TripAdvisor, in 2012.

You can find more information about us on our webpage, veoapartment. On this page we have live calendar, where you can see the exact apartment availability, and where you can also book online. We also encourage you to make a personalized request, if you prefer. As a team, we pride ourselves of our deep knowledge of our apartments.

We look forward to hearing from you!
Your veoapartment team.

Office located in
Sevilla, Spain
Listed on Tripadvisor since
July 2010
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