$115 / night
Total guests, Nights


  • 3 bedrooms
  • 6 sleeps
  • 3 nights min stay


  • House
  • 3 bedrooms
  • sleeps 6
  • 3 nights min stay

Key Info

  • Nearest beach 12 mi
  • Child Friendly
  • Car advised
  • Air conditioning
  • No pets allowed
  • Private garden

Description from owner




  • Great for children of all ages
  • No pets allowed

Bed & bathroom

  • Bedroom 1: Queen Bed
    Bedroom 2: Queen Bed
    Bedroom 3: Twin bed
    Beds in other rooms: Twin bed
  • 1 Full bath, 1 Shower


  • Wireless Internet
  • Air conditioning
  • Private garden
  • Patio
  • Internet access
  • Stove
  • Microwave
  • Dishwasher
  • Washing machine
  • Clothes dryer
  • Iron
  • TV
  • Satellite TV
  • Ceiling Fans
  • Linen provided
  • Towels provided

More Less


  • Parking
  • Secure parking
  • Not suitable for wheelchair users

Getting around

Boca Raton has warm weather year-round, with hot temperatures Jun–Sep. Peak travel time is Dec–Mar. Hurricane season is Jun–Nov. The annual Festival of the Arts BOCA (Feb/Mar) features classical music, jazz, dance, film and and talks by renowned authors. Colorfully costumed dancers and samba drummers parade downtown during Brazilian Beat (Sep), a celebration of Brazil’s Independence Day.


Check in time: 16:00, Check out time: 10:00
If you have any questions about check-in or check-out times, please contact the owner/manager.
This rental can only be paid for online through FlipKey using your credit/debit card or PayPal (never by bank or wire transfer).

Damage deposit: $400.00
No smoking at this property


Change of plans? No problem. You could receive a partial or full refund, depending on when you cancel.

Booking confirmed

100% refund within 24 hours after booking (provided the stay is at least 60 days away).

24 hours after booking

50% refund of the amount paid (minus the booking fee*) if cancelled at least 4 weeks before check-in.

4 weeks before

No refund if cancelled less than 4 weeks before check-in.

Check-in date

* The booking fee is stated in the cancellation policy information on the payment page. This fee helps us run our secure platform and enables us to provide 24/7 customer support

House rules

All forgotten items will be discarded.


About the owner

Oswald P.

Tourist License

Average reply time:
49 minutes
Response rate:
Calendar last updated:
17 Apr 2024
Years listed:
Based in:
United States
Overall rating:

Languages spoken: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian

This property is hosted by a private host (consumer) and not a business. Bookings of their property may not be covered by EU or UK consumer protection laws. However, the Tripadvisor Rentals companies will provide you with the same customer service as with any other stay.

These are the details provided by the business owner.

Business Name

Business Address

Business Telephone

Business Email

Other Applicable Information





Very Good
7 reviews

Very Good

“Over before it even started”

Reviewed 1 Feb 2024

Availability needs to be better kept Nothing more frustrating then finding a property with dates marked as available and then being told they aren’t

This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of TripAdvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on all reviews.

“A rainy day in Florida did not dampen our enthusiasm!”

Reviewed 15 Jan 2024

We arrived on a rainy day in Florida and found a comfortable clean and well supplied home in which to nest for 3 1/2 days. We had everything we needed including access to a swimming pool a mile away.(… More

This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of TripAdvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on all reviews.


Reviewed 9 Mar 2018

This is my first experience with staying in this type of rental and I was nervous, to say the least. However, JR has made this whole experience great. Whenever we had questions or concerns we messaged… More

This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of TripAdvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on all reviews.

“Very nice house”

Reviewed 4 Mar 2018

Very nice house. Appliances, tv, and bathroom fixtures seemed completely new. Quiet neighborhood with easy access to boca raton and beaches. Nothing to criticize... would stay there again

This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of TripAdvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on all reviews.

“Great house in Boca R aton”

Reviewed 21 Mar 2017

WE had a great time and stay in this home in Boca. It is a large house and fit our family perfectly. The kitchens and bathrooms have beautiful tile work and feel brand new. THe kids loved the big comf… More

This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of TripAdvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on all reviews.

Response from the owner Great guests to have. Thanks

This response is the subjective opinion of the management representative and not TripAdvisor LLC.

“Great place to stay while visiting Boca Raton”

Reviewed 8 Mar 2017

This house was a great place to stay for a couple days while we were visiting family who were located near the beach. The house was very clean in a nice quiet neighborhood with restaurants and grocery… More

This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of TripAdvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on all reviews.

Response from the owner Wonderful guests to have. Thanks

This response is the subjective opinion of the management representative and not TripAdvisor LLC.

“I like me.”

Reviewed 17 Aug 2016

A nice stay. Tthe stay of my family was comfortable in this place the house was nice and clean. I like a lot and the price was also very good

This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of TripAdvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on all reviews.

Response from the owner Thanks Maria and family. It was a pleasure.

This response is the subjective opinion of the management representative and not TripAdvisor LLC.

Review 1-7 of 7


How do I find more info about the property?

You can get in touch with OSWALD (the owner) through the contact form on this page.

If you’ve already booked, go to Manage your booking to send the owner a message.

What if I have questions before I book?

Send OSWALD (the owner) an email through the contact form on this page. Alternatively, if there’s a phone number on this page, you can call them.

How do I contact OSWALD (the owner)?

Send an email through the contact form on this page. Or if there’s a phone number on this page, you can call them.

If you’ve already booked, go to Manage your booking to view OSWALD the owner's contact details or send them a message.

What's the difference between 'Book your stay' and 'Contact the owner/manager'?

Use the Ready to book? form to pay provisionally online and send OSWALD (the owner) a booking request. You’ll find out within 24 hours whether they’ve accepted - no money will leave your account before then

Or send OSWALD (the owner) an inquiry through the Contact the owner/manager form if you’d like a quote or more info first.

What is a booking request?

When you pay online through the Ready to book? form, a booking request is sent to OSWALD (the owner). You’ll find out within 24 hours whether they’ve accepted - no money will leave your account before then.

Only bookings paid for through our site are covered by our trusted Payment Protection.

How do I know my booking is safe?

To book this property you need to pay through the Flipkey website. Only bookings paid for through our site are covered by our trusted Payment Protection. This means that in the unlikely event that you’re prevented or denied access to the property when you check in, we’ll offer a full refund for the stay.

Find out more about booking safely.

How do I know what it will cost for my stay?

Simply enter your dates in the Ready to book? form to calculate the cost of your stay.
Click Book now to see a full breakdown of the price.

You can also request a quote from OSWALD (the owner) through the contact form. The owner will email you the total cost for your dates and a link to book and pay online.

How do I know if my booking request has been accepted?

You’ll receive an email within 24 hours to let you know. Or you can check in Manage your booking. No money will leave your account unless it’s accepted.

How do I pay for my vacation?

Use the Ready to book? form to pay provisionally online. You can pay by credit/debit card or PayPal. OSWALD (the owner) will have 24 hours to accept the booking and no money will leave your account before then.

If you’ve been sent a quote, simply accept it and pay online through the email we sent you. You can also do this in Manage your booking.

Only bookings paid for through our site are covered by our trusted Payment Protection.

Why can't I call OSWALD (the owner) before booking?

You can exchange contact details with the property owner/manager once your booking is confirmed and you’ve paid in full. Paying and communicating only through our platform allows us to ensure that your booking is covered by our Payment Protection policy.

If you have any questions before booking, you can send the property owner/manager a message via the contact form on their listing. Once you’ve booked, you can discuss the rental and make arrangements for your trip by logging into Manage your booking.

How do damage deposits work?

In most cases, you don’t pay a damage deposit up front. Instead, we save your payment details securely and you’re only charged in the event of damage to the property.

Occasionally, you will pay a damage deposit up front as part of the total rental cost. In this case, the owner has 10 days after you check out to report any damage. If they don’t, we’ll return your deposit. If their claim is successful, we’ll deduct the agreed cost and return the remainder.

How can I view and manage my booking?

Go to Manage your booking to view all your booking details, pay the balance of your booking or cancel it if you need to.

How do I pay the balance of my booking?

You can pay the remaining balance of your booking at any point. Simply go to Manage your booking and click Pay now.

We’ll automatically charge the balance payment to the same payment method 10 days before it’s due. Go to Manage your booking to see when the payment will be taken.

How can I withdraw my booking request?

You’ll need to contact OSWALD (the owner) to do this. Send them a message in Manage your booking or through the contact form on this page.

How do I cancel my booking?

Go to Manage your booking to cancel your booking. Here you can view your cancellation policy to see if you’ll be refunded.

How do I make changes to my booking?

You can request to change the dates or number of people on your booking via the Manage your booking page. To change your dates use the Edit booking button. If you need to change the number of guests staying then send OSWALD (the owner) a message.

If OSWALD (the owner) agrees, they’ll send you a revised quote outlining the changes. You can review and accept/decline this from the Manage your booking page. You’ll have 48 hours to take action before the revised quote expires.

View all FAQs

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