$629 / night
Estimated Price for guests, Nights

Howell 109346 – Home 4617144 House

  • 6 bedrooms
  • 14 sleeps
  • 7 nights min stay

Howell 109346 – Home 4617144

  • House
  • 6 bedrooms
  • sleeps 14
  • 7 nights min stay

Key Info

  • Ask about children
  • Air conditioning
  • No pets allowed

Description from manager


Nice and spacious 6 bedroom, 5 bath air conditioned home with seven separate sitting areas that should fit whatever mood your in! There are two king size bedrooms that share a private balcony. The main level has the kitchen, dining/living area, one bedroom with two singles, full hall bath, sitting area, utlilty room with the washer/dryer plus a larage deck. The top level has 3 bedrooms. Bedroom #2 is the master bedroom which has a private bath with a shower. Bedroom #3 has a king. Bedroom #4 has two singles. Bedrooms #5 & #6 are on the ground level. The ground level bedrooms have an entrance that is separate from the main house. Bedroom #5 has 2 trundles and a bath with a shower. Bedroom #6 has a queen bed with a private shower.

Additional amenities: Full Kitchen

Bed & bathroom

  • 5 Unknown types


  • Wireless Internet
  • Air conditioning
  • Grill
  • Deck
  • Internet access
  • Stove
  • Fridge
  • Microwave
  • Toaster
  • Dishwasher
  • Washing machine
  • Clothes dryer
  • Iron
  • TV
  • Satellite TV
  • DVD player

More Less


  • Parking
  • Not suitable for wheelchair users


This owner does not use online booking. Please contact them and they will be able to offer you a secure way to pay for your stay. Never pay for your vacation rental by wire transfer (such as Western Union or Moneygram) as this type of payment is untraceable.
No smoking at this property

About the manager

Crowley Associates Realty
Response rate:
Calendar last updated:
05 Oct 2022
Years listed:
Based in:
United States

Languages spoken: English

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What if I have questions before I book?

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How do I contact the property manager?

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How do I know my booking is safe?

You'll need to send the property manager an inquiry to book - the owner will let you know how to pay. If they accept online booking they'll send you a quote and info on how to pay. If you pay through our website you’ll be covered by Payment Protection.

If they don’t accept online booking they'll still be able to offer a secure form of payment. Read our top tips on booking safely.

How do I know what it will cost for my stay?

Select the Prices tab for an overview of this property's prices.

Or you can send the property manager an inquiry through the contact form to request a quote. The property manager will email you the total cost for your dates and how to pay.

How do I pay for my vacation?

Send the property manager an inquiry through the contact form requesting a quote for your dates. The property manager will email you the total cost for your dates and how to pay.

Please note: only bookings paid for through our site are covered by Payment Protection.
Find out more about booking safely.

How do damage deposits work?

The property manager of this property is responsible for taking and refunding your damage deposit. The damage deposit terms should be agreed before booking and outlined in the booking contract, if the property manager supplies one. Please refer to these details or contact the property manager directly if you have any questions.

How do I cancel my booking?

You'll need to contact the property manager to cancel. They should have provided their contact details when you made your booking - otherwise, email them through the contact form.

How do I make changes to my booking?

You'll need to contact the property manager to edit your booking. They should have provided their contact details when you made your booking - otherwise, email them through the contact form.

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